Nijinsky – Echopraxia

Nijinsky – Echopraxia

Kate Ruse Poetry Archive · Nijinsky - Echopraxia Nijinsky – Echopraxia (1919 – The dancer Nijinsky is admitted to the Bellevue Sanatorium and among other conditions is diagnosed with Echopraxia, an involuntary repetition or imitation of movements and sounds.)...
Your Last Life

Your Last Life

Kate Ruse Poetry Archive · Your Last Life Your Last Life You were a mouse in your last life we always said, with your cot dreams of running in wheat fields. A meadow mouse speared by fear, shaken by the rumble of the harvester, the wave of the scarecrow, the hover of...


Kate Ruse Poetry Archive · Trapeze Trapeze When she was little she was taught how to climb the slack wire. Up four or five steps leaning out     one arm extended, she’d sequin smile they’d clap   get her down send her back   behind the canvas flaps. When she was a...
The Lion Tamer Turns Back

The Lion Tamer Turns Back

Kate Ruse Poetry Archive · Lion Tamer The Lion Tamer Turns Back From behind the tent flaps he watches fire blown from lips ballooning in blazing orange ladders sway   dust rises   clowns stumble pathos in their eyes as they totter around the ring hooting and...
Ten (Kate’s Recording)

Ten (Kate’s Recording)

Kate Ruse Poetry Archive · Ten (Kate's Recording) Ten (Kate’s Recording) they stand fixedlost in the club room clatter,gloves pummel on bruised arms colours smudge blueturning to indigo  turning to purplethen back to default red stung by the ring of the...